Mae Beavers Calls on Randy Boyd to Return and Refuse Donations from Haslam Family

Tennessee Star

Mae Beavers released the following statement today on the NFL protests, Randy Boyd, and the Haslam family’s support for the radical leftists pushing the un-American protests of the National Anthem.

“Randy Boyd should immediately return any donations the Haslams have made to his campaign,” Beavers opened. “What’s more, Randy Boyd should refuse to accept any further financial support from the Haslam family,” Beavers said.

Jimmy and Dee Haslam, the owners of the Cleveland Browns, have embraced the radical, un-American NFL protests against the National Anthem and the American Flag,” Beavers asserted.

“The NFL remained silent when the Rams attacked law enforcement with their “hands up don’t shoot” demonstration, the NFL refused to allow the Dallas cowboys to honor fallen officers massacred by Black Lives Matter, and defying belief, the NFL even barred their players from honoring 9/11 victims,” Beavers said.

“Browns owner Jimmy Haslam has not only refused to condemn the disrespectful actions of his players, he has encouraged them “The Haslams have been involved in a variety of business deals with Boyd over the years,” Beavers noted. “Governor Haslam appointed Randy to his position at ECD by  and the Haslam family has been one of Boyd’s largest contributors.”

“Randy Boyd needs to make it absolutely clear whether he will continue to stand with Haslam while his players kneel,” Beavers said. “Randy Boyd should stand up for the National Anthem, the American flag, and the values of our country,” she said. “Mr. Boyd should immediately return financial contributions from the Haslams and refuse any future Haslam contributions.”

The Haslams recently voiced support for their NFL players’ protests, issuing a harsh statement speaking out against President Trump’s comments calling for NFL owners to fire any players or employees who take a knee or don’t stand at attention during the National Anthem. “We must not let misguided, uninformed and divisive comments from the President or anyone else deter us from our efforts to unify,” the statement said in part.

The Haslam family’s animosity towards President Trump is nothing new, Beavers pointed out.

“During the 2016 Presidential election while I was actively supporting Donald J. Trump, Governor Bill Haslam announced he would not vote for President Trump if he refused to step aside and allow Mike Pence to assume the nomination,” she explained.

“Despite the opposition of Governor Haslam, Donald Trump carried 92 of Tennessee’s 95 counties last November, but Randy Boyd joined the Haslam family in opposing President Trump.”



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6 Thoughts to “Mae Beavers Calls on Randy Boyd to Return and Refuse Donations from Haslam Family”

  1. Cannoneer2

    With all due respect, Susan, there was/is only one “Iron Lady” and her last name wasn’t Beavers. Go find another name.

    1. John Crest

      Crazy Mae is the name I hear among most reasonable people.

  2. Stephen L.

    And the Haslam’s spread their money far and wide. Knox County Tim Burchett has accepted at least $4,500 from the family. I believe Tim to be a fiscal conservative and a cultural conservative. Yet the money thing “where you get it, when you get it, what do they expect for the money. It tasks me. Be careful. Follow the money….

  3. Neil Smith

    Love, love LOVE this lady! Our next Governor of Tennessee!

  4. Jan Dobson

    Good job, Mae. Keep telling people the real truth about how “politics” works. Tennessee needs a Governor who FULLY supports President Trump and his agenda. We sure don’t need anyone supported by or connected to the Haslams.

  5. Susan E Gingrich

    You go Iron Lady! Mae Beavers is Tennessee’s Trump without Twitter.
